Rev Eileen’s blog ‘Thoughts and Afterthoughts: Faith in Real Life”

Greetings! I have wanted to start a blog for awhile now. It is a way to share ideas and perhaps become better connected. Our new website allows for such a venture! So, where to begin?   I will try to do this once a week. Since this is new for me, I will play with it a bit and maybe find a rhythm that works best. I am hoping that you will join in the conversation and share your thoughts too. I was thinking of what to call this and decided- “Thoughts and Afterthoughts- Living Faith in Real Life. “ When I thought about it, “Shocks and Aftershocks” sounded a bit too dramatic and earth shattering, (forgive the terrible pun!) So, let’s start with “thoughts and afterthoughts” and see where it leads us. What does it mean to have faith in real life? Sometimes it’s as simple or difficult as finding time for prayer at the beginning and end of the day. Sometimes it’s as complex as a decision about how to respond to the news of the day as a follower of Jesus Christ. Sometimes it’s being mindful of God, of seeing the abundance of God everywhere we look; while walking down the street, putting the kids to bed, standing in line at the bank, observing an act of kindness, or offering one. Deuteronomy talks about the common stuff of sitting at home, walking by the way, lying down and getting up- having faith in “real life”. The summer is just about over and we look to September and everything starting up again at church, school, committee meetings, sports events, and so many more things imaginable. Praying for the eyes to see God at work in the ordinary, real life- dirt under your fingernails-not enough hours in the day-going to bed truly exhausted- living- as well as all the other things we get caught up with in real life. Maybe through this blog we can share and learn from each other as helpers, encouragers, walking together on this journey of real-life in prayer and community. I thank God for all of you! You are my teachers more than you know! One blog down! Hope to hear from you too!

On the faith journey together!

